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I am

Love’s Voice
A Short video of my


My name is Preston and I want to get real with you for a minute.

I’ve always dreamed big, wanted to make something of my life, and deeply cared about people.

I could list a bunch of things that would make me look “important” and “successful”, but what I want you to know about me is I truly care about people, our planet, and about maximizing my potential. I’m committed to knowing that when I leave this world that my tank was empty, because I gave ALL that I had and then some in the name of LOVE. So whether I’m speaking, leading workshops, writing books, or making conscious content through social media, it’s all in SERVICE of the same thing….LOVE. It’s the answer to everything and it’s so obvious that some of us miss it. So I’m here as a messenger to remind us all that when we AMPLIFY our LOVE we automatically amplify our LIVES.

Featured Interviews

My Childhood

Shaping my dream

I’ve always dreamed big, wanted to make something of my life, and deeply cared about people. I always felt I needed to bring a smile in the life of my parents. Hence I decided to make it my mission.

We’re all children with a dream.

How far I’ve come



I started just like you – here is where I ended up so far:


Building my dream



Living my dream

6 Events that 


my Life

These 6 events catapulted my life & personal growth to another level. They heavily inspired my mission to empower, inspire and AMPLIFY a mutli-generational movement of radical LOVE through creative conscious content, INTENTIONAL acts of love and BEING the best FATHER, HUSBAND and Transformational Leader possible.


Healing the Relationship with my Dad
How it amplified me

The Healing was for our entire linage.


Co-Creating the Love Mob
How it amplified me

Organized Acts of LOVE.


Meeting the Girl of my Dreams
How it amplified me

I am a better man because of her.


Giving my first Workshop
How it amplified me

I knew it wasn’t about me. I was there to serve.


Getting Married at Burning Man
How it amplified me

Favorite place with Favorite human.

2018 + 2020

Birth of my Son Kingston Rā + Twins
How it amplified me

My heart in human form… I love them so much.

to be continued…
I am we are #LovesVoice